Game Rules

1. Bots Reinforcement

a) It is expressly prohibited the use of bots. May be subject to deletion or banishment by gamemaster's criteria. Bots also include: macros, hotkeys from outside the client, smart mouses, and any other software or some kind of smart hardware to improve gameplay.

2. Names

a) Names which contain insulting (e.g. "Bastard"), racist (e.g. "Nigger"), extremely right-wing or dictators (e.g. "Hitler", "Benito Mussolini") or infamous celebrity which commited serious crimes or inhuman actions (e.g. "Charles Manson", "Ted Bundy"), sexist (e.g. "Bitch"), words referring to sex, sex orientation or sexually related body parts (e.g. "Porn Star", "Hetero", "Nipple", "Breastfeeder") or offensive (e.g. "Copkiller") language. b) Racist names (e.g. "Arab hater", "White Power"). c) Names that have been created with the sole intention to harass other players (e.g. "Depressive Arieswar", "Fat Lord Paulistinha") or to threaten others in real life (e.g. "Beatyou Afterschool", "Killyou Inrl"). d) Names containing nonsensical combinations of letters (e.g. "Fgfshdsfg"). e) Names that refer to real countries (e.g. "Swedish Druid"). f) Names which were created to fake other players' identities or mimicking other players names (e.g. "Arieswer" instead of "Arieswar") or official positions (e.g. "System Admin"). h) Names that advertise brands, products or services of third parties, content which is not related to the game or trades for real money (e.g. "Dollar for Gps", "Microsoft Paladin"). i) Names supporting rule violation of Tibia Old Server (e.g. "Sellacc", "Hacking", "Botter Knight").

3. Cheating

a) Exploiting obvious errors of the game ("bugs"), for instance to duplicate items. If you find an error you must report it to the staff immediately. b) Intentional abuse of weaknesses in the gameplay, for example arranging objects or players in a way that other players cannot move them. Blocking passages to hunts is allowed if there is only one player blocking the path, regardless of being different people. Same to your own houses. In case of wars or conflicts happening at that specific place and time exceptions will be allowed. c) Using tools to automatically perform or repeat certain actions without any interaction by the player ("macros"). d) Manipulating the client program or using additional software to play the game. e) Using any kind of automation (e.g. homemade scripts, softwares or third party services) to get information about the players on the website. f) Trying to steal or to steal other players' account data ("hacking"). g) Offering account data to other players or accepting other players' account data ("account-trading/sharing") will not be subject of punishment, but it is not encouraged or will be supported by Tibia Old Server staff - which means there will be no intervention if your belongings or account was stolen. You will also be responsible for others' actions on your account. h) If game World Mode is currently Non-PvP, following other players with the sole intent of to prejudice their game or harass them is not allowed. Any way of abusing the weakness of the non-pvp mode to harm other players will be punished. Occasional kill stealing (killing a creature that another player is already killing) is not a violation of this rule. Creature "luring" is also not a rule violation.

4. Gamemasters

a) Threatening a gamemaster because of his or her actions or position as a gamemaster. b) Pretending to be a gamemaster or to have influence on the decisions of a gamemaster. c) Intentionally giving wrong or misleading information to a gamemaster concerning his or her investigations or making false reports about rule violations.

5. Player Killing

a) Excessively killing characters without a "skull" mark on not PvP-Enforced worlds. Please note that killing marked characters will not result in a ban. Automatic banning will occur upon exceeding the kill limits established in the "Server Info" section of this website, which can also be viewed using the in-game "!frags" command.

6. Statements

a) Forbidden Advertising i) Advertise brands, products or services of third parties. This includes, for example, advertising other games, offering items from another game for Tibia Old Server items. Also advertising other companies or their goods and services is illegal. ii) It is forbidden to place offers that are not related to the game (e.g. "Sell brand new smartphone for $100", "Sell my x streaming subscription"). iii) It is forbidden to advertise account trades for any reason. iv) It is not allowed to advertise accounts, characters, items, gps or premium points trades or services for values outside of Tibia Old Server. In short, it is not allowed to advertise any values or services (even provided by yourself) from Tibia Old Server for values or services outside of Tibia Old Server. This includes placing an offer on trade (for example), and then, when contacted by other players by private message, ask for values outside of Tibia Old Server in exchange for the service/item/character/etc. The other way around also is prohibited. v) As the advertiser (announced your offer on public channels or via mass private messaging), you may not offer another mean of communication from out of the game (phone numbers, whatsapp, discord, etc.) to discuss the offer. It will be considered a violation of rule 6. a) iv). vi) As someone who private messaged the public announcer, you may not offer another mean of communication from out of the game (phone numbers, whatsapp, discord, etc.) to discuss the offer. It will be considered a violation of rule 6. a) iv). b) Supporting rule violation Encouraging others to violate Tibia Old Server rules, for instance, telling a player about how to set up an illegal software to improve gameplay, or, by stating "Anyone who fishes without using a macro is plain dumb", even if it was intended to be a sarcastic remark or a joke. c) Disclosing personal data of other people. The only person that may share data of her-/himself is the person her-/himself. This means that no Tibia Old Server player is allowed to disclose data such as real name, address, phone number, credit card number, email address, marital status, sexual orientation, health conditions, financial situation etc. d) Harassing players using their personal data, such as stated on rule 6.c). e) Threatening players in real life It is forbidden to threaten other players in real life. For example saying you will find someone and beat him, or that you know where he lives, about his family, etc. f) Racist Statements Racist statements of any kind will not be tolerated on Tibia Old Server. g) Insults motivated by elements related to race, color, ethnicity, religion, origin, health condition, or disability.

7. Slandering or Agitating against Tibia Old Server

a) Publishing clearly wrong information about Tibia Old Server or its services: Publishing clearly wrong information will not be tolerated and may lead to a punishment of your account. Of course you do not have to fear a punishment if you for example write an article about Tibia Old Server and do not have the number of staff members correct. However, if you publish information about Tibia Old Server that is clearly wrong, particularly to harm Tibia Old Server or its services, it may lead to a punishment. b) Calling a boycott against Tibia Old Server or its services: You may not call a boycott against Tibia Old Server or on the website. E.g. calls to stop playing Tibia Old Server or to stop donating will not be tolerated and will be punished accordingly.

8) Attacking, disrupting or damaging the operation of any part of Tibia Old Server services:

a) Trying to attack, disrupt or damage Tibia Old Server servers or any other part of a Tibia Old Server service may not only lead to an exclusion from the game, but may also lead to an investigation by the police. Such behaviour includes for example DDoS attacks on our game servers to create lags or kicks, on the login server to prevent that players can log into the game or on the website server to hinder players on using the website properly. ---

9) To the players who donated to Tibia Old Server

a) Donating does not grant you any special immunities against any kind of punishments. You will still face same punishments as anyone else! b) Donations made on this season are not going to be taken into account for future seasons, nor are valid for other servers related to Tibia Old Server. A violation of the Tibia Rules may lead to temporary banishment of characters and accounts. In severe cases removal or modification of character skills, attributes and belongings, as well as the permanent removal of accounts without any compensation may be considered. The sanction is based on the seriousness of the rule violation and the previous record of the player. It is determined by the gamemaster imposing the banishment. These rules may be changed at any time. All changes will be announced on the official website.